Advancing Knowledge and Understanding of the Lumbar Spine
All roads lead to SPINE! Join us for a deep dive into the evolution of the comprehensive spine program at Cleveland Clinic and how neuro/ortho surgeons work together in the @LSRSspine to advance care for spine patients! A wonderful conversation with old friends, and new. NEUROSURGERY PODCAST >>
LSRS YouTube Channel is being continually updated with educational content visit the channel and SUBSCRIBE!
LSRS has invited 33 surgeons in training to our 2nd Annual Hands on Surgical Techniques Course. Thank you to our SPONSORS who make it possible to host this important educational activity. The course will take place a the MAC at the Indiana Spine Group Facility, Zionsville, IN.
Thank you AANS for inviting LSRS to coordinate a special course at the 2025 Spine Summit in Tampa. February 20-23, 2025. Don’t Miss It!