2023 LSRS Research Grant Application Information and Instructions:

I.               Purpose of the Lumbar Spine Research Society Research Grant Program:  The goal of this research grant program is to provide funding for promising projects relevant to the advancement of knowledge regarding lumbar spine surgery, pathology, biology, biomechanics, and treatment options. 

II.             Scope of Proposed Research:  One of the goals of this program is to provide a level of funding necessary to develop pilot data in support of a larger research grant application to the federal government or another extramural source. As such, applicants are urged to make sure that the scope of research proposed may be feasibly completed within 12 months of funding initiation. For clinical studies, or pre-clinical studies with follow-up past 12 months, please ensure that funds have been expended within 12 months.

III.           Time Period of Funding:

a.    Award Notification:  January 2023

b.    Funding Start Date:  May 11, 2023

c.    Funding End Date:   May 12, 2023

IV.           Budget Information: Funding is intended to cover only direct costs associated with the proposed project as outlined in the budget worksheet and budget justification. Funding may not be used to cover indirect costs (institutional overhead), investigator salaries, or capital equipment exceeding $1,000.00. Funds cannot be used for travel but can be used for fees associated with manuscript publications. Any deviations from the proposed budget should be reviewed by the LSRS Research Committee. In the application, you will be asked to detail budgetary line items, descriptions, and costs. Add lines as needed in the application below.

V.             Research Plan: attach a detailed research plan to accompany the application. Format for research plan:

a.    Problem Statement:  ½ page

b.    Specific Aims & Hypotheses:  ½ - 1 page

c.    Background & Significance:  1-2 pages

d.    Scientific Approach: 1-2 pages

e.    Plan for Data and Statistical Analysis: ½ - 1page

f.      Plans for Dissemination of Results: ½ page

g.    Future Funding and Next Steps: ½ page

VI.           Research Involving Human or Animal Subjects:  For research involving Human Subjects, approval from the investigator’s Institutional Review Board  is strongly recommended at the time of grant approval and prior to distribution of any funds.  For animal research, approval from the investigator’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee must be obtained prior to the start of funding.  Written proof that either the IRB or the IACUC submission has occurred is a requirement.

Deadline for Application Submission: December 30, 11:59PM PT

Click ^ to fill out the full grant application. Contact kschiefelbein@lsrs.org with any issues.